Healthy Eating

  • Health Benefits of Seasonal Summer Fruits

    Summer fruits not only provide a refreshing treat during the hotter months, but they also bring a myriad of health benefits. Packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants, fruits can contribute significantly to overall health and well-being. This article focuses on the health benefits of the top three seasonal summer fruits: watermelon, mango, and berries. Watermelon Nothing screams summer like a juicy, sweet slice of watermelon. This quintessential summer fruit is not only thirst-quenching but also offers an array of health benefits. Comprising about 92% water, watermelons serve as an excellent hydration source, making them a perfect treat for those sweltering summer days. Watermelon is also known for its high…

  • Deep Frying: Tasty Temptation or Health Hazard?

    Deep-fried foods have become a culinary staple in many societies, their deliciously crisp exteriors and indulgent flavours forming a gastronomic lure that’s hard to resist. From county fairs and food trucks to high-end restaurants and home kitchens, the allure of these golden, greasy delights knows no bounds. However, the detriment these foods can have on our health is of significant concern. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the drawbacks of deep-fried foods and their impact on our well-being. A Digestible Dilemma The process of deep-frying involves submerging foods in hot oil, typically at temperatures between 350 to 375 degrees Fahrenheit. This cooking method transforms the texture of food, giving…

  • Redefining the Word ‘Diet’

    Most of us have heard or used the word ‘diet’ at some point in our lives, often with mixed feelings. This simple, four-letter word elicits a wide spectrum of reactions – from fear and trepidation to enthusiasm and hope. However, it’s important to understand that the common perception of dieting, often framed as a short-term endeavour or a fad, needs a significant overhaul. It’s time to reimagine and redefine the term ‘diet’, evolving it from a transient change to a permanent lifestyle enhancement. The prevailing notion of ‘dieting’ often brings to mind a temporary, restrictive phase where certain food groups are banned, portion sizes are dramatically reduced, and guilty pleasure…

  • The Sweet Benefits of Watermelon

    During the summer months, watermelon is a staple for many Canadians. Besides its delicious taste and satisfying crunch, watermelon offers an abundance of health benefits that may surprise you. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this juicy fruit holds a prominent place in a health-conscious diet. Hydration and Digestion Watermelon is composed of 92% water, which makes it a brilliant choice for hydration. In the hot summer months, watermelon can help replenish body fluids and prevent dehydration, an essential aspect considering the human body is approximately 60% water. This high water content, combined with a small amount of fibre, also aids in maintaining a healthy digestive system. Fibre adds bulk…

  • The Gut-Brain Axis

    In the evolving landscape of healthcare, the relationship between our gut health and mental well-being—colloquially known as the “gut-brain axis”—is rapidly garnering attention. Researchers are uncovering a fascinating web of communication between the billions of bacteria residing in our gut (collectively termed the “gut microbiota”) and our brain. This bidirectional relationship suggests that what we eat may profoundly impact not only our physical health, but our mental health as well. Understanding the Gut-Brain Axis In simple terms, the gut-brain axis refers to the complex communication network that exists between the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord) and the enteric nervous system (the “mini-brain” in our gut). This connection…

  • Why Ingredients Matter for Your Health

    In today’s fast-paced world, convenience often dictates our food choices. When pressed for time, it’s tempting to simply grab pre-packaged meals or snacks without much thought, and our hectic schedules make it easy to overlook the importance of scrutinizing food labels. However, the small print on the back of the package holds a wealth of information that’s critical to our health and well-being. In this article, we delve into the reasons why everyone should make reading food ingredient labels an essential part of their grocery shopping routine. Deciphering Nutritional Content A pivotal reason to read food labels is to understand the nutritional content of the food you’re buying. In Canada,…

  • Cool Summer Eats: Oven-Free Healthy Foods

    As the temperatures rise, it’s time to rethink our approach to cooking and embrace lighter, refreshing foods that keep us cool and nourished during the warmer spring and summer months. To avoid heating up our kitchens, we can explore alternative cooking methods and focus on seasonal ingredients that provide optimal nutrition while helping us beat the summer heat. In this article, we’ll explore a variety of healthy summer foods and share tips on how to avoid using your oven to stay cool and refreshed. Emphasize Fresh Fruits and Vegetables: Summer is the season for an abundance of fresh, vibrant produce. Fill your plate with a colorful assortment of fruits and…

  • The Mood-Boosting Power of Bananas

    Bananas, aside from being delicious and convenient, hold a myriad of health benefits. One such advantage, which often goes unnoticed, is their potential impact on our mood. The secret lies in the nutritional content of bananas, especially their rich concentration of tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin. Bananas and Tryptophan: A Connection Tryptophan is an essential amino acid, meaning it must be obtained through our diet as our bodies cannot produce it. Bananas are a significant dietary source of tryptophan. Once ingested, tryptophan is converted into serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a pivotal role in regulating mood, among other things. Serotonin is often referred to…

  • Top 5 Foods for Better Rest

    An integral part of maintaining optimal health is ensuring we get enough quality sleep. Interestingly, the food we consume throughout the day can have a significant impact on how well we sleep at night. In this article, we will explore this unique connection and identify the top five foods that can contribute to improving the quality of your sleep. The Food-Sleep Connection Our bodies function on an internal clock known as the circadian rhythm, which influences many aspects of our health, including sleep. Various factors, such as light exposure and physical activity, can affect the circadian rhythm. Another essential factor is nutrition. Certain foods contain components that can promote sleep,…

  • How Poor Diet and Inactivity Sabotage Global Health

    In the 21st century, the world faces an unprecedented challenge when it comes to public health. Among the leading risks to global health are an unhealthy diet and a lack of physical activity, both of which contribute significantly to the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and some forms of cancer. This article delves into the consequences of poor dietary habits and inactivity, and discusses evidence-based strategies to tackle these growing health threats. The Consequences Obesity Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, affecting both developed and developing countries. An unhealthy diet, characterized by the excessive consumption of energy-dense, nutrient-poor foods and sugary beverages, coupled with insufficient…