Getting Rid of Dandruff

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Dandruff is a condition that is characterized as flaking of the skin on the scalp.

Dandruff is a rather common condition, though it can sometimes be difficult to treat; and while it isn’t a condition that can necessarily be cured, Dr. Ali Ghahary, a family physician in Vancouver, says there are ways in which you can control it. First, however, we’ll look at some of the most common symptoms associated with dandruff aside from flaky skin, as well as the common misconceptions that surround it.

Along with flaky skin, individuals with dandruff may also develop an itchy scalp. These symptoms also aren’t just limited to the scalp itself. You may also notice dry skin and flaky patches just around the hairline, near the ears, and even on the nose.

So what causes dandruff? There are many contributing factors, says Dr. Ali Ghahary. It could be something as simple as a hair product you’re using (i.e. certain shampoo, gel, hair spray, etc.) Dandruff can also occur as a result of other skin conditions – for example, individuals with seborrheic dermatitis and eczema are much more likely to get dandruff than those who do not have those conditions. Individuals sensitive to yeast also tend to develop dandruff more often. You can also develop dandruff as a result of stress, so try to reduce your anxiety levels as much as possible, as well as from diet, so you’ll want to make sure you’re eating a healthy, well-balanced diet and be sure to choose foods that are high in B vitamins (i.e. fish, meat, poultry, and dairy products.)

When it comes to dandruff, many people think it has something to do with lack of hygiene and that you’re maybe not washing your hair often enough, but this isn’t the case. In fact, many dermatologists say that washing your hair with shampoo each day can actually strip the scalp of its natural oils which may only cause irritation to the scalp. That being said, whether you wash your hair frequently or infrequently, dandruff tends to build up. In order to rid yourself of dandruff, a regular shampoo won’t be enough. Instead, you’ll need to purchase a special medicated shampoo specifically designed for those with dandruff – for example, a shampoo that contains zinc, ketoconazole, or selenium sulphide. As these shampoos tend to knot your hair and make it feel more brittle, you may also want to consider using a dandruff conditioner as well.

If a patient has tried all of the above methods and is still suffering from severe dandruff, Dr. Ali Ghahary will make a referral to a dermatologist.