Winter Safety Tips

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As the weather changes and temperatures start to drop, this can pose a serious health risk to individuals – particularly infants and the elderly. While many people choose to stay indoors during winter weather, it’s still a good idea to take extra safety precautions to winterize your home. As seniors tend to lose body heat quicker, it’s recommended having your heating system serviced to make sure it’s cleaned and working properly, as well as having fireplaces and chimneys inspected.

It’s also a good idea to make sure you’re prepared in the event of an emergency. Keeping a first aid kit on hand is a great way to ensure you have any necessary supplies should an emergency take place and you are unable to leave your home for medical care. You can even create your own first aid kit, and they’re also available to purchase at drug stores as well as online. A first aid kit should always include things like bandages, an emergency blanket, a battery-powered radio and a flashlight, and dry foods like crackers and granola bars. You can find a full list of what to include in a first aid kit by clicking here. You should also be sure to keep your home stocked with some foods that require no cooking or refrigeration, as well as have bottles of water on hand.

When outdoors, many people choose to walk or take transit as opposed to driving in wintery, icy conditions. As a result, it’s not uncommon to see an increase in falls (including bone breaks and sprains) during the winter season. To avoid slips, make sure pathways around your home are clear of snow and ice. To do this you can use cat litter, sand, or buy salt from a home hardware store. You should also ensure you’re wearing warm clothing — including a warm jacket, gloves, a hat and a scarf, and waterproof boots. It’s also a good idea to carry a cell phone with you in case you need to contact someone in the event of an emergency.