• Keeping Your New Year’s Weight Loss Resolution

    Making New Year’s resolutions is generally quite easy, but actually starting and sticking to them can be even harder. With 2022 now behind us, many Canadians will use this time as an opportunity to reminisce and reflect on the year that was as well as the achievements they’ve made and the ones that might not have come into fruition, while focusing on the new year. As getting and staying motivated can oftentimes be difficult, it can sometimes be hard to achieve your weight loss goals. In fact, it’s not at all uncommon for individuals to be unsuccessful upon their first and even second tries, as in order to have motivation you…

  • Healthy Resolutions for the New Year

    The most common resolutions that people make going into a new year include weight loss and healthy eating. These resolutions often mean that people will make drastic changes to their diet and fitness plans; but these drastic changes are also some of the reasons why people don’t necessarily see the immediate results they expect. While we should all strive to keep our bodies as healthy as possible, there are things you can do to make it a bit easier to follow through on those new year’s resolutions that you’ve made. • Exercise: Vowing to get more physical activity is never a bad thing. While some people might find it easy…

  • Health Benefits of Walking

    With all of the different types of exercise that one can do, along with the various types of exercise equipment and gym classes available to sign up for, there’s really no shortage of ways that we can keep fit. However, walking is one of the best workouts you can give your body as it really covers a lot of bases. Not only is it cost-effective, but it’s simple enough for anyone to do regardless of their fitness level. There are also a lot of bonus effects that regular walking can have on your overall health, including the mind! One of the biggest reasons why the body loves walking is because…

  • Controlling the Obesity Epidemic

    Obesity is considered to be one of the most common progressive and chronic diseases by various organizations, including the World Health Organization and both the Canadian and American Medical Associations. However, it is also unfortunately one of the most neglected diseases today, therefore making it a global epidemic. Characterized by excessive accumulation of fat, as many as 3 in 5 Canadians say they identify as being either overweight or obese. Obesity can have a wide range of negative effects on your health, including increasing your risk of heart disease or stroke, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, arthritis, and even cancer – and it has been directly attributed to the…

  • Episode 2: Diet and Weight Loss

    Today, we’re talking about the importance of nutrition. Nutrition is considered one of the single most important factors in helping you optimize your weight (through both weight loss as well as weight maintenance) in addition to improving your overall health and wellbeing. When it comes to losing weight, people often think that if we simply exercise more, we’ll see results – and while regular physical activity certainly plays a role in losing weight, it actually only accounts for 30% of the equation, while diet and nutrition account for the rest – up to 70%. Early on, much of the focus on weight loss was on the wrong things, such as…

  • Men and Mental Health

    There have been many discussions surrounding mental health, mental illness, and the need for increased awareness. However, as many as 40% of men will avoid discussions about their mental health. In Canada alone, 75% of all suicides are men. Globally, a man will die from suicide every minute. As for why men won’t talk about mental health, the reasons vary. Some want to try to deal with it on their own, they don’t want to be a burden on anyone else, while others say they’re simply too embarrassed and afraid to admit they need the help. In addition, there’s also the negative stigma that still surrounds mental illness to this…

  • Dr. Ali Ghahary’s Self-Care Tips

    To make sure your health is where it needs to be, it’s always a good idea to see your family physician at least once a year for a thorough examination. However, in-between the time that you don’t see your physician, there are also things that you, yourself, need to do to keep up good health. This is called self-care. Self-care isn’t just important for your physical health. It’s also important for the mind and soul, too. For some, lack of self-care comes from feeling as though they don’t have enough time. For others, they might feel selfish; especially if they have a family of young children to take care of…but…

  • Tips to Help You Stay Healthy This Spring

    As seasons change, so do certain aspects of your health and overall wellbeing. Unlike winter, where we spent more time indoors and dressed warmly, spring brings longer days and warmer temperatures – and with that also comes certain health concerns. One of the most common complaints patients have when it comes to springtime, is allergies. During spring, pollen count levels increase which can cause a number of symptoms in patients who suffer from hayfever; such as a congested or runny nose, sneezing, and itchy, red and/or watery eyes. It in order to reduce the symptoms of seasonal allergies, Dr. Ali Ghahary recommends avoiding outdoor triggers. For those with severe allergies,…

  • Starting Your Weight Loss Journey

    When it comes to weight loss, one of the most common questions Dr. Ali Ghahary hears from patients is, “Where do I begin?” Should you exercise more? If so, what type of exercise should you be doing? Should you eat less? If so, what types of foods should you be avoiding? In this article you will find answers to all of those questions and more to help get you off to the right start in your weight loss journey. Food is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to gaining weight. As a result, it’s not uncommon for Canadians to try different types of diets to shed excess pounds.…

  • How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Vegetables

    Healthy eating is something we, as adults, strive to do on a regular basis. We know that healthy eating plays an integral role in our overall wellbeing, such as reducing high blood pressure and cholesterol, boosting our immune system, and maintaining a healthy weight. However, for children, getting them to eat their vegetables can be quite a feat. What makes kids so against eating their vegetables? One of the biggest reasons is the fact that we encourage them to eat them because of their many health benefits – i.e. by telling them they can make you tall, stronger, etc. – but according to a 2014 study done by Dr. Ayelet…