• Benefits of Chamomile

    Chamomile is something that individuals will commonly drink in tea-form if they happen to have some trouble falling asleep at night – however, the benefits of this daisy-like plant go beyond just fighting insomnia, and some of the ways it can improve certain ailments may actually surprise you. Muscle and Joint Pain If you suffer from muscle and joint pain, things like anti-inflammatories and Epsom salt baths are often the go-to choice for relief – and while these can certainly have significant benefits in reducing pain, submerging 1 cup of dried chamomile in addition to 1 quart of Epsom salt and 5 to 6 drops of lavender essential oil can…

  • Anxiety

    A staggering 260 million people worldwide (and an estimated 3 million Canadians and 40 million Americans) age 18 or older say they suffer from (or have suffered from) anxiety at one point or another in their lives. Anxiety is characterized by feelings of worry, fear and nervousness – and while we all experience passing worries to a certain degree – such as being afraid of heights or having a fear of spiders – anxiety is much more complex than that and may even reach debilitating levels when left untreated, such as affecting a person’s ability to work and maintain relationships. The good news is that anxiety, once diagnosed, is both…

  • Signs Your Body Needs Rest

    As gruelling as the days and weeks can sometimes be, or as energetic as you might even feel, and even as dedicated as you are to working out, our bodies also need time to recuperate. That means setting aside time to allow yourself some rest and relaxation. When you don’t give the body enough rest, it will often give off tell-tale signs to let you know when it’s feeling worn out – from fatigue, to general aches and pains, and other symptoms. Getting regular physical activity is something Dr. Ghahary recommends, but it’s also possible to overexert yourself when doing so. One of the most common signs of overexertion is…

  • The Common Food Additive That’s Making You Tired

    Many of the foods that we eat contain additives and preservatives. They are often used to give foods their colour, to help maintain their appearance and taste, as well as keep them fresh and give them a longer shelf-life. Unfortunately, there are also dangers that are associated with the consumption of many additives and preservatives, and they have been linked to everything from headaches to cancer, asthma to allergies, and even cancer – but that’s not all. New research is linking a prevalent preservative – inorganic phosphate, which is found in as many as 70% of foods in the average North American diet – to increased fatigue. The study, which…

  • Finding Relief for a Persistent Cough

    A sore throat and cough are usually the first sign of a common cold. While a sore throat will usually taper off after a few days (it usually precedes other symptoms, such as a runny nose or nasal congestion, headache, fever and/or chills, and fatigue), the cough itself can persist. There are two types of coughs that are most common when you have a cold: A wet cough or a dry cough. When you have a wet cough, you often produce mucus. When the mucus is clear in colour, it’s not normally something to be alarmed about. However, if the mucus you’re bringing up as a result of coughing is…

  • How to Get Rid of Annoying Hiccups

    While you may not know them by their medical definition (singultus), hiccups are very common and something you’ve probably experienced on more than one occasion. While they are not typically cause for concern, there are some instances where persisting hiccups may actually be indicative of other underlying medical conditions. In this article you will find out what some of those conditions might be, as well as other information on possible causes of hiccups and what you can to do banish them. When you develop hiccups, this is because the nerves that extend from the neck to the chest are irritated. It is this irritation that causes the diaphragm muscle to…

  • What Causes Animal Allergies?

    People can be allergic to almost anything, although the most common allergies that individuals tend to suffer from are ones that are associated with pollen (also known as hay fever, which usually happens during the spring season) or foods (such as shellfish, nuts, and dairy.) However, you can also be allergic to animals – cats and dogs, most commonly – although it’s also possible to be allergic to birds (feathers), rabbits, hamsters, guinea pigs, gerbils, mice, rats, horses, and more. While you’re not necessarily allergic to the animal itself, you are allergic to proteins found in the animal’s saliva, urine, feces, or dead skin cells – also known as dander.…

  • Effective Ways to Reduce Obesity

    As many as 3 in 5 Canadians are overweight or obese. While British Columbia is considered to have one of the lower rates of obesity in the country, at least 16% of the Province’s population are still considered as such; while the Northwest Territories has the highest rate of obesity in the country – 33.7%. Between the years 1978 and 2017, obesity rates have also risen in children, increasing from 23% to 30%. Many organizations, such as the Canadian Medical Association, Obesity Canada, and the World Health Organization all now consider obesity to be a progressive, chronic disease. The most common causes of obesity are overeating, eating unhealthy foods, and…

  • Home Safety Tips

    Your home can be a place of comfort, but it can also be a place of things such as stress, indoor air pollution, germs, and other health hazards. In this article, Dr. Ghahary shares information on how to give your house the healthiest makeover possible, and how making just a few simple changes can benefit you and your family’s overall health and wellness in the long-run. The Kitchen There are many different hazards in the kitchen that we don’t often think about. Everything from how to handle and cook our food, to cleaning the dishes. When it comes to cooking things such as meat and poultry, we need to be…

  • Different Ways to Relieve Nasal Congestion

    One of the worst things about allergies or the common cold is the nasal congestion that’s often associated with them. When you can’t breathe through your nose properly, you’re eager to find relief. Unfortunately, the relief that you do find is often temporary. For example, things like over-the-counter nasal spray decongestants. While these types of medications will make breathing a bit easier at least for a short amount of time, overuse of these medications can actually result in a condition known as rebound congestion. When you develop rebound congestion, this means nasal congestion you already have actually worsens. The only way you that can resolve rebound congestion is to withdraw…