• Protecting Your Health in a Heat Wave

    Environment Canada recently issued a Special Weather Statement warning about a heat wave expected to affect various regions of British Columbia, with temperatures forecasted to soar up to a staggering 39 degrees Celsius in certain areas. This prolonged period of extreme heat is anticipated to extend through to next week, posing significant health risks, especially to vulnerable populations such as the elderly, children, and those with pre-existing health conditions. As the mercury rises, it becomes crucial to adopt preventive measures to safeguard one’s health and well-being. This article aims to provide comprehensive guidelines on how to navigate this scorching weather safely, highlighting essential tips and reminders to ensure you remain…

  • Comprehensive Guide on Injury Prevention

    Injuries affect millions of people worldwide each year. They can occur in various settings – at home, work, during recreational activities, or on the road. While some injuries are unavoidable, many can be prevented through awareness, proper precautions, and lifestyle modifications. This comprehensive guide aims to provide you with the knowledge and strategies necessary to reduce your risk of injury and maintain optimal health and well-being. In this article, we will explore the most common types of injuries, discuss general principles of injury prevention, and delve into specific strategies for avoiding particular injuries. We’ll also examine how injury prevention needs vary across different age groups and consider environmental and lifestyle…

  • Common Causes of Fatigue

    Close to 4 million Canadians suffer from insomnia – a common type of sleep disorder that can make it difficult for one to fall (or stay) asleep at night, in addition to contributing to other symptoms including difficulty focusing, agitation, and daytime fatigue. The good news is, when it is identified, insomnia is something that can usually be easily treated – and sometimes all it takes is making a few small changes to your sleep hygiene habits, such as: • Sticking to a regular sleep schedule each day • Establishing a relaxing routine (reading a book, taking a warm shower/bath) • Going to bed when you feel tired, not forcing…

  • Nuts: Nutritional Powerhouses for Health

    Nuts are considered to be nutritional powerhouses, as they are packed with heart-healthy fats, vitamins, minerals and proteins (i.e. omega-3 fatty acids, fibre and more.) They will also help you feel full and suppress the appetite, which will prevent you from overeating. However, some nuts are also high in calories, so while they’re certainly a better snack to indulge in than that chocolate bar or bag of potato chips, they should still be consumed in moderation. When it comes to nuts, some are healthier than others – with almonds, cashews and pistachios being some of the healthiest, especially if you’re looking to maintain a healthy weight. The lowest-calorie nut is…

  • Pollution’s Impact on Health

    Pollution is one of the biggest concerns when it comes to our environment. As humans, we’re actually responsible for most of the pollution that gets released into the environment. What we don’t realize, however, is that breathing in all that pollution can actually have a detrimental impact on our health. Air pollution can be classified into two types: Visible or invisible. Things like smoke, dust and haze are considered “visible” pollutants and can oftentimes be smelled, while other pollutants like carbon monoxide are considered “invisible” as they are without color and odour. Another common example of air pollution is the burning of fossil fuels. For example, oil, coal, as well…

  • Summer Hydration

    With the arrival of the summer comes the rising temperatures, extended daylight hours, and increased outdoor activities. Among the many health concerns that can arise during the summer, dehydration tops the list. As the mercury soars, it becomes increasingly important to focus on hydration, as a well-hydrated body is crucial for maintaining optimal health and overall wellbeing. Understanding Dehydration Dehydration occurs when the body loses more water than it takes in. Water is essential for maintaining various body functions, including regulating body temperature, ensuring the proper circulation of blood, removing waste, and aiding in digestion. During the summer months, the body tends to lose more water due to increased sweating…

  • Safe Exercise Practices for Summer

    Summertime brings longer days and warmer temperatures, presenting perfect opportunities for outdoor exercise and activities. Whether you’re a fan of running, biking, hiking, or participating in team sports, the sunny weather can boost your mood and inspire you to be more active. However, the summer heat can also pose some health challenges, especially if precautions aren’t taken to ensure a safe and healthy exercise routine. This article will provide an extensive look at how to exercise safely in the summer heat, from understanding heat-related illnesses to knowing when and how to exercise for optimal health and safety. Understanding Heat-Related Illnesses Exercising in the summer heat can put you at risk…

  • Summer Water Safety

    During the summer months, the allure of water-based activities becomes irresistibly captivating, drawing individuals and families alike to the myriad lakes, rivers, pools, and coastal areas. The significance of water safety cannot be overstated, especially given the inherent risks associated with swimming, boating, and other aquatic pursuits. Ensuring a safe and enjoyable summer necessitates a thorough understanding of water safety practices, vigilance in implementing precautionary measures, and a collective commitment to fostering a culture of safety and awareness within our communities. The Importance of Water Safety Education Water safety education serves as the foundational pillar upon which safe aquatic practices are built. By instilling a comprehensive understanding of potential hazards,…

  • Healthy Summer Grilling Guide

    Welcome to the much-anticipated summer BBQ season, a time of year that brings about a sense of excitement and joy as the days get longer, the weather becomes warmer, and the grills are fired up, creating an atmosphere of fun and camaraderie among friends and family. This season is synonymous with outdoor gatherings where the delicious aroma of grilled food fills the air, enticing everyone to indulge in a feast. However, it’s no secret that BBQs are often associated with heavy, calorie-laden dishes that can leave you feeling sluggish and guilty. The good news is that this doesn’t have to be the case. With some mindful choices, a bit of…

  • Summer’s Healthiest Fruits

    Summer fruits not only provide a refreshing treat during the hotter months, but they also bring a myriad of health benefits. Packed with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and antioxidants, fruits can contribute significantly to overall health and well-being. This article focuses on the health benefits of the top three seasonal summer fruits: watermelon, mango, and berries. Watermelon Nothing screams summer like a juicy, sweet slice of watermelon. This quintessential summer fruit is not only thirst-quenching but also offers an array of health benefits. Comprising about 92% water, watermelons serve as an excellent hydration source, making them a perfect treat for those sweltering summer days. Watermelon is also known for its high…