Mental Health

  • Overcoming Mental Fatigue

    When it comes to overexerting yourself, both the body and mind can be affected. According to psychologists, we all have limits when it comes to our cognition, and when we take on more than what we can handle that can ultimately result in mental fatigue – also known as exhaustion. In fact, it’s one of the reasons why we’re seeing more and more athletes and celebrities being hospitalized, because their scheduled are either too jam packed or they’ve taken on more than their bodies allow. To avoid mental fatigue, it’s important that you not overcommit yourself to things. If you’re being pulled in a million different directions, you’re going to…

  • Stress and its Impact on Our Skin

    If you’ve noticed recent acne breakouts or other abnormalities with the skin on your face (such as increased redness, psoriasis or eczema) that you don’t normally experience, there is a strong possibility that those breakouts could actually be caused by stress. This is because when you are stressed, two specific hormones known as cortisol and adrenaline increase, causing inflammation as well as contributing to the aggravation of many of the aforementioned skin conditions – in addition to decreased elasticity of the skin and an increase in lines and wrinkles. In general, stress can wreak havoc on the body, but there are certain things you can do to find relief and…

  • Anxiety Disorders in Canada

    In 2022, data revealed that over 5 million Canadians aged 18 or older met the diagnostic criteria for a mood, anxiety, or substance use disorder, a staggering number that highlights the pressing mental health challenges facing the nation. This statistic underscores the pervasive nature of mental health disorders in Canada and the urgent need for comprehensive understanding, effective treatment, and robust support systems to address these issues. The prevalence of these disorders can be attributed to a complex interplay of genetic, environmental, and societal factors, each contributing to the overall mental health landscape in Canada. It is essential to delve deeper into the most common forms of anxiety disorders, their…

  • Nutritional Strategies for Stress Reduction

    Stress can impact us in a number of ways and for a number of different reasons. There are also many different ways to deal with stress, including everything from trying different relaxation techniques to speaking with a counsellor. Stress can also be a common contributor to both anxiety and panic attacks, which sometimes need to be managed with medication. What you might not be aware of, however, is the role your diet can also play when it comes to stress management. When you’re stressed out, your body produces hormones that can cause a temporary increase in your blood pressure. If your high blood pressure is, in fact, related to stress,…

  • Early Psychosis and Schizophrenia Awareness

    Schizophrenia is a chronic mental health condition marked by disruptions in thought processes, perceptions, emotional responsiveness, and social interactions. One of the key phases in the onset of schizophrenia is the early psychosis stage, a critical period during which initial symptoms of the condition start to appear. Understanding both early psychosis and schizophrenia can shed light on the complex nature of these disorders and highlight the importance of early intervention. What is Early Psychosis? Early psychosis, also known as the prodromal phase, refers to the initial phase of illness before the disease fully manifests. This phase usually occurs in late adolescence or early adulthood, a developmental period when individuals are…

  • Understanding and Nurturing Mental Health

    Mental health, an integral component of our overall well-being, deserves as much attention and care as physical health. Its significance stems not only from the role it plays in our daily functioning but also in our ability to lead fulfilling lives. The Primary Types of Mental Health Focus Mental health encompasses several key areas, each contributing uniquely to our overall psychological well-being. Understanding these can help individuals and healthcare providers alike to foster a holistic approach to mental health care: Emotional Health: This pertains to managing and expressing feelings in a constructive manner. Emotional well-being involves coping with challenges, controlling stress, and remaining resilient in the face of adversity. Psychological…

  • The Healing Power of Nature

    In the pursuit of understanding the intricate relationship between human well-being and our natural surroundings, a body of research has been illuminating the profoundly positive impact that nature can have on mental health. This connection, deeply rooted in our evolutionary history, suggests that our affinity for natural environments is not merely a matter of aesthetic appreciation but a vital component of psychological and emotional well-being. The serene whispers of a forest, the tranquil rhythm of waves caressing a shoreline, and the rejuvenating fragrance of rain-kissed earth—these sensory experiences, it turns out, are not just pleasurable. They are essential to our mental health, offering a respite from the relentless pace and…

  • Social Work in Health and Mental Health

    In today’s rapidly evolving society, the complexities of life can often become overwhelming, not just from a physical health perspective but significantly affecting one’s mental health and overall well-being. Amidst this backdrop, the role of a social worker has emerged as critically vital, offering a beacon of hope and guidance for many. This article delves into the multifaceted reasons why individuals, navigating through the intricate mazes of their health and mental health challenges, may find the intervention of a social worker not just beneficial but, in many instances, indispensable. Social workers operate within a broad spectrum of the community, adept at addressing a wide range of issues that encompass but…

  • Music and Health: A Harmonious Connection

    Music, a universal medium transcending cultures and generations, holds an enigmatic power over our emotions and, intriguingly, our health. While the emotional impacts of music are widely acknowledged, its influence on physical and mental well-being is a symphony of benefits worth exploring in detail. This article delves into the harmonious connection between music and health, underscoring the multifaceted benefits that melodies and rhythms can bestow upon our well-being. Firstly, music has been demonstrated to play a pivotal role in stress reduction, acting as a soothing balm for the mind amidst the tumults of daily life. The intricacies of its melodies and harmonies engage the brain in a manner that facilitates…

  • Understanding and Managing Anxiety

    Anxiety, a multifaceted and pervasive condition, affects countless individuals worldwide, weaving a complex tapestry of psychological, physiological, and behavioural symptoms. Its manifestations are as varied as the people it affects, spanning from subtle psychological nuances to overwhelming physical sensations, thereby impacting every facet of an individual’s life. Anxiety, in its essence, is a natural response to stress, serving as an evolutionary alarm system that alerts us to potential dangers. However, when this response becomes hyperactive, it transcends its protective purpose, evolving into a relentless force that can severely disrupt daily functioning and overall wellbeing. Manifestations of Anxiety Anxiety materializes through a spectrum of symptoms, each varying in intensity and frequency.…