• The State of Global Tobacco Use

    In an era marked by significant advancements in public health awareness and healthcare, the sustained prevalence of tobacco use remains a concerning global health issue. According to the WHO’s global report, it highlights a somewhat paradoxical scenario in tobacco consumption trends. Despite a decline from 1.36 billion users in 2000 to 1.25 billion in 2022 among those aged 15 or older, tobacco use is not uniformly decreasing across all regions. This statistic is set against the backdrop of an expected decline to around 1.2 billion tobacco users by 2030, a forecast tempered by the anticipated growth in the global population. However, this overall reduction masks regional disparities and emerging challenges.…

  • Preventing Slips and Falls in Snowy and Icy Conditions

    In the heart of winter, the picturesque scenery of snow-covered landscapes brings with it a less desirable companion: the increased risk of slips and falls due to ice and snow. These incidents, often underestimated in their potential severity, pose a significant public health concern, particularly in regions where snow and ice are seasonal constants. It is crucial to delve into the various aspects of this issue, ranging from understanding the risk factors and consequences of such falls, to exploring effective prevention strategies and the role of public policy in mitigating these risks. The Underlying Risks and Consequences of Winter Falls Slips and falls on ice and snow are not mere…

  • Winter Asthma Management

    Winter brings with it a unique set of challenges for individuals suffering from asthma. Asthma, a chronic respiratory condition marked by the inflammation and narrowing of the airways, can be significantly aggravated during the colder months, especially in countries like Canada, where the winters are particularly harsh. The cold air, coupled with indoor allergens, often leads to an increase in asthma symptoms and attacks. The primary issue with cold air is that it’s often dry and can irritate the sensitive airways of asthmatics. When one breathes in cold, dry air, the body’s natural response is to produce more mucus. This increase in mucus production can lead to a feeling of…

  • Protecting Skin in Winter: Top Tips

    Winter in Canada brings with it a pristine beauty: snow-laden landscapes and crisp, frosty air. However, this picturesque season also poses a unique challenge to skin health. The cold, dry weather typical of Canadian winters can strip moisture from the skin, leaving it dry, irritated, and more susceptible to damage. The primary concern during winter is the significant drop in humidity levels, both outdoors and inside our heated homes. This low humidity environment is a primary culprit in skin dryness, a condition medically known as xerosis. Dry skin is more than a cosmetic issue; it can lead to cracking, flaking, and even inflammation in severe cases. Furthermore, the natural protective…

  • Health Risks of Freezing Temperatures

    As the mercury dips below freezing in Metro Vancouver, it’s crucial to understand the potential health risks associated with these cold temperatures. Hypothermia, a severe health condition, becomes a significant concern during such cold snaps. This article aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of hypothermia, its symptoms, prevention strategies, and the vital role of warming centres in offering relief during these freezing times. Understanding Hypothermia Hypothermia occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can produce it, causing a dangerously low body temperature. Normal body temperature is around 37°C, but with hypothermia, it drops below 35°C. This decline can affect the brain, making you unable to think clearly or…

  • The Risks of Repeated COVID-19 Infections

    According to a new report from the World Health Organization (WHO) it has emerged that the actual levels of COVID-19 cases globally could be significantly higher – ranging from 2 to 19 times more than the reported figures. This revelation is based on comprehensive wastewater data analysis. This finding is particularly alarming as it underscores the potential underestimation of the virus’s prevalence, raising questions about the global response and readiness against the pandemic. Adding to the complexities of the pandemic, the WHO is highlighting the largely unknown dangers of repeated COVID-19 infections, which can frequently occur without any symptoms. This aspect of the virus’s behavior is particularly insidious, as it…

  • Holistic Health 101

    Holistic wellness is an approach to health that considers the whole person and their lifestyle, rather than focusing solely on specific symptoms or diseases. This concept is rooted in the understanding that various aspects of a person’s life contribute to their overall well-being, including physical, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual factors. At the heart of holistic wellness is the idea that all these different areas are interconnected and have a significant impact on one’s health. For example, chronic stress, a mental and emotional concern, can lead to physical health issues like hypertension or digestive problems. Conversely, physical ailments can affect one’s mental state, leading to anxiety or depression. The physical…

  • What is Medulloblastoma?

    Medulloblastoma, a formidable adversary in the realm of brain cancers, has recently cast its shadow over a well-known family, touching the life of Isabella Strahan, the daughter of Michael Strahan, co-host on ABC’s ‘Good Morning America’ and former NFL player. This revelation not only spotlights Isabella’s personal battle but also brings to the forefront a critical understanding of Medulloblastoma, a condition that remains shrouded in complexity and challenges. At its core, Medulloblastoma is a type of brain tumour predominantly found in children, although its occurrence is not entirely exclusive to the younger population. It originates in the cerebellum, the part of the brain responsible for coordinating movement. This cancer, while…

  • Coffee and Cardiovascular Health

    In the realm of health and wellness, coffee often finds itself at the heart of many debates, particularly regarding its impact on cardiovascular health. This article aims to shed light on this stimulating topic, sifting through the myriad of research to present a comprehensive understanding of how coffee affects the heart and blood vessels. As a widely consumed beverage, the implications of coffee’s effects are of significant interest to both healthcare professionals and the general public in Canada and beyond. The Composition of Coffee Before delving into the heart of the matter, it’s crucial to understand what coffee contains. Primarily known for its caffeine content, coffee is also a complex…

  • Fatigue Management and Health

    As a physician, I understand the complex nature and profound impact of fatigue on the human body. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore fatigue’s multifaceted aspects, including its effects on the body, strategies for energy improvement, and its potential as an indicator of more serious health conditions. Lastly, if you’re concerned about your fatigue levels, I’ll discuss why it’s crucial to consult with your family doctor. Fatigue: More Than Just Tiredness Fatigue, often misconceived as mere drowsiness, is a condition characterized by a persistent sense of exhaustion and a lack of energy. Unlike the tiredness that everyone experiences from time to time, fatigue is more profound and can severely…