• Understanding Invisible Disabilities

    In the realm of health and wellness, we often speak of understanding, compassion, and empathy. One area that urgently calls for this understanding is the concept of invisible disabilities. As a family physician, I have seen countless patients grapple not only with the challenges of their conditions but also with the societal misconceptions surrounding them. It’s vital for all Canadians to recognize that not all disabilities are visible, and there’s a spectrum of disorders and challenges that many silently endure. What Are Invisible Disabilities? Invisible disabilities refer to a range of conditions that aren’t necessarily always immediately apparent or visible to an onlooker. While someone with a physical disability might…

  • Thrombosis

    Thrombosis, in a broad medical sense, pertains to the formation of a blood clot, known as a thrombus, within a blood vessel. This aberrant clotting can obstruct the flow of blood through the circulatory system, presenting a myriad of health implications and sometimes cascading into life-threatening situations. Signs and Symptoms Detecting thrombosis early is pivotal to managing and mitigating potential risks. The signs and symptoms may vary, contingent upon the location of the thrombus: Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT): DVT commonly occurs in the legs and might present symptoms like pain, swelling, warmth, and redness in the affected area. Pulmonary Embolism: When a blood clot travels to the lungs, symptoms might…

  • Exploring Common Arthritic Conditions

    In Canada, arthritis isn’t simply a condition impacting the ageing population; it presents a pervasive health issue, transcending age and demographic confines. 1 in 5 Canadians are navigating life with arthritis, a statistic that emphasizes the sweeping prevalence of the condition. While arthritis envelops over 100 different types, this article spotlights the most common ones, their symptoms, and possible treatment approaches. Understanding Arthritis Arthritis encompasses a range of disorders affecting our joints and musculoskeletal system, causing pain and disability across various age groups. The sheer diversity of over 100 types of arthritis results in a myriad of symptoms, affecting joints, tissues, and in certain instances, internal organs. Spotlight on Common…

  • Preventing Injuries on Leaf-Covered Pathways

    Autumn, a season that is revered for its vibrant colors, crisp air, and cozy vibes, often brings a unique, picturesque blanket of fall leaves covering the landscapes. However, beneath the idyllic scenes of auburn and gold lies a potential hazard that is often overlooked – the slippery walkways. As leaves descend, they create a deceptive carpet, particularly during and following rain, as wet leaves drastically reduce traction underfoot, making surfaces treacherous. However, it’s not just the immediate slipperiness to be wary of. As leaves decompose, they can also create an organic slime, contributing further to the precariousness of walkways, especially for pedestrians, cyclists, and even drivers. Each year, millions of…

  • Prioritizing Mental Health

    World Mental Health Day, observed on October 10th globally, is a vital occasion for the collective engagement of communities, institutions, and individuals to shine a spotlight on the imperative matter of mental health. In a country like Canada, where more than 5 million people meet the diagnostic criteria for a mental health disorder, the dialogue around mental health is not only necessary but crucial. The Impact of Mental Health Mental health extends its tendrils into every aspect of our lives, influencing our thoughts, behaviours, emotions, and overall wellbeing. For many Canadians, struggles with mental health are a daily reality, whether it’s navigating the challenges of anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, or…

  • Unlocking Wellness with ‘Vitamin Sleep’

    In the hustle of the modern-day world, individuals find themselves enmeshed in an intricate web of stress, fatigue, and recurrent illnesses, often posing questions like “Why am I always tired?”, “Why am I stressed?”, and “Why am I always getting sick?”. While searching for solutions, one vital, yet often neglected element sits at the crux of wellness – sleep, or what might be poetically dubbed as ‘Vitamin Sleep’. This metaphorical ‘vitamin’ does not come bottled from a pharmacy, but is a crucial, irreplaceable nutrient that our bodies ardently require. The Symphonic Role of Sleep in Wellness Unlike literal vitamins, ‘Vitamin Sleep’ isn’t something we can ingest in isolated form; it’s…

  • World Cerebral Palsy Day

    In a world where physical and cognitive abilities are often taken for granted, over 17 million people live with the challenges of cerebral palsy, grappling with myriad obstacles in their day-to-day activities. World Cerebral Palsy Day, a global movement that emanated in 2012, seeks to illuminate the lives and experiences of those living with cerebral palsy and to generate a momentum towards inclusivity and equality. Echoing the Voices of Millions Last year, the movement magnified its reach, enveloping over 10 million people in its embrace of solidarity and enlightenment. Furthermore, an additional 350 million individuals, encompassing families, friends, and caregivers, who are closely entwined in the lives of those with…

  • Insight into Children’s Vision Month

    Ensuring optimal ocular health in children serves as the very keystone in safeguarding their overall well-being and development. Children’s Vision Month underscores a paramount necessity for prioritizing early and consistent eye care in the realm of pediatric health. In the boundless terrains of learning and discovery, children’s vision plays a pivotal role, facilitating not just academic pursuits but also their social and developmental milestones. This initiative aims to elevate awareness about the importance of comprehensive eye examinations and the early detection of potential visual impairments or conditions in children. The Importance of Comprehensive Eye Examinations Navigating through the intricacies of visual health, one encounters the undeniable truth that many serious…

  • How Fall Weather Encourages Mold Growth

    Mold, a type of fungus that thrives in moist environments, can burgeon significantly during the fall, presenting numerous health risks to individuals exposed to it. This article will explore how autumn conditions in Canada can escalate mold growth and its impact on human health. Why Mold Thrives in the Fall Mold spores are omnipresent, but they require certain conditions to germinate, grow, and proliferate. Fall weather, particularly the omnipresence of fallen leaves and persistent damp conditions, creates a conducive environment for mold to flourish. The cycle begins with the decay of fallen leaves, which, when dampened by autumn rains, provide organic matter that is a prime nutrient source for mold.…

  • Breast Cancer Awareness Month

    In Canada, 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in her lifetime. It is estimated that as many as 28,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer each year. Fortunately, due to advancements in research that have helped to improve things like early detection and diagnosis, the current 5-year survival rate of breast cancer is 87% — and the death rate has dropped by 44% since the 1980s. However, because breast cancer continues to be one of the most commonly diagnosed types of cancer and the second-leading cause of cancer-related death among Canadian women, there’s still a lot more that can be done when it comes to raising awareness. It’s…