• Could Your Blood Sugar Be the Key to Losing Weight?

    For Canadians looking to get started on their New Year’s resolutions, weight loss usually tops the list. Many individuals will opt to cut out fast food, eat less sugary foods (i.e. chocolate and pastries), or completely change their diet all together by consuming fewer carbohydrates (as recommended by Vancouver physician Dr. Ali Ghahary), eating more proteins, or going vegetarian or vegan. When it comes to weight loss, there are many healthy options out there. But did you know that your blood sugar might also play a part in helping you on your weight loss journey? While you might think of glucose levels as something diabetics only need to worry about,…

  • Developing Sustainable Healthy Eating Habits

    Depending on the foods you eat, your health can be impacted in both negative and positive ways. The unhealthier the foods are that you eat, the unhealthier you will feel. Whereas the healthier foods you eat, the healthier you will feel. Eating healthy doesn’t just mean making changes in the foods you buy at the grocery store. In some instances, it also means that you may need to make some changes to your environment. For example, many offices, schools and other public places have vending machines or cafeterias. While this might seem like an easier alternative to making and packing your own lunch, snacks or other meals, the foods that…

  • Magnesium’s Powerful Health Benefits

    In order to achieve optimal health, the body needs minerals. One of the most important minerals that you can give the body is a macro-mineral known as magnesium. Unlike trace minerals (such as iron and zinc) which are only required in smaller amounts, macro-minerals like magnesium are required in larger doses. Unfortunately, more than 60% of individuals get less than the required daily dose of magnesium. While much of the minerals that our bodies need can be obtained from the foods we eat, there are also instances where you may need to take a mineral supplement – especially if you are mineral-deficient. Below is a more in-depth look at magnesium,…

  • Healthier Alternatives for Late-Night Snacking

    As the clock ticks past midnight and the quiet of the evening settles in, many find themselves rummaging through the kitchen, seeking something to satiate their nocturnal cravings. This moment of weakness often leads to choices laden with excessive calories, unhealthy fats, and sugars that, while providing momentary satisfaction, can disrupt sleep patterns and negatively impact overall health. However, with a bit of planning and creativity, it is possible to transform these late-night forays into opportunities for nourishment and well-being. This article explores why these snacks can lean towards the unhealthy side and offers a variety of healthier alternatives that not only cater to those late-night hunger pangs, but also…

  • Managing Migraines During Pregnancy

    Migraines, characterized by intense and debilitating headaches often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to light and sound, can pose a significant challenge for pregnant women. During pregnancy, the body undergoes a myriad of hormonal and physiological changes which can trigger migraines or exacerbate their frequency and severity. However, the management of migraines during this period is complicated by the paramount need to ensure both maternal and fetal safety, limiting the use of many conventional migraine medications. Hormonal Fluctuations and Their Implications on Migraines The primary drivers behind migraines during pregnancy are hormonal changes. The surge in hormones like oestrogen and progesterone, which are critical for maintaining pregnancy, can affect…

  • Healthy Snack Options for Sustained Energy

    Where the urgency of work demands and school activities often lead us to neglect our dietary habits, it is essential to consider the quality of the snacks that we consume. Opting for nutritious, low-carbohydrate options not only aligns with a health-conscious lifestyle, but also nourishes our bodies with steady, enduring energy. These snacks are pivotal, particularly when you need an extra surge of vitality to navigate your day or simply wish to maintain a balanced energy level without succumbing to the lethargic dips that high-carb and sugary treats often produce. The Importance of Choosing Low-Carb Snacks The primary advantage of low-carbohydrate snacking lies in its ability to stabilize blood sugar…

  • Preventing and Treating Sensitive Teeth

    If you’ve ever had a sudden, sharp pang of pain while enjoying a hot beverage or indulging in an ice cream, you are certainly not in the minority. Indeed, approximately one in every eight Canadians are plagued by sensitive teeth. This common dental condition is primarily precipitated by exposure to foods and beverages at extreme temperatures—both hot and cold—as well as those that are notably sweet or sour in flavour. While tooth sensitivity can affect individuals of any age, it is observed with greater frequency among adults. Tooth sensitivity generally indicates that there has been a breakdown in the protective barriers of the teeth; meaning either the enamel has worn…

  • How Nutrition Fuels Our Bodies

    When it comes to sustaining a healthy lifestyle, the importance of nutrition cannot be overstated. The foods we consume play a pivotal role in providing the energy necessary for our daily activities, including exercise and other physical pursuits. At its core, nutrition is about nourishing the body with the essential nutrients it needs to function optimally, supporting not just our physical well-being but our mental health as well. This article aims to demystify how our dietary choices fuel our bodies and enable us to engage in physical activities, all presented in a manner that’s accessible and easy to understand. The human body is akin to a sophisticated engine that requires…

  • Protecting and Revitalizing Your Liver

    The liver, one of the most critical organs in the human body, plays a pivotal role in maintaining our overall health and well-being. It is a powerhouse of an organ, responsible for a myriad of vital functions including the detoxification of harmful substances, protein synthesis, and the production of biochemicals necessary for digestion. Given its significance, maintaining liver health is not just important—it’s essential. However, our modern lifestyle poses numerous challenges to liver health, primarily through poor dietary choices, excessive alcohol consumption, and exposure to toxic substances. Understanding Liver Health The liver is an incredibly resilient organ, capable of regenerating itself and functioning even when partially damaged. However, this resilience…

  • The Importance of Good Nutrition

    In the realm of maintaining optimal health and well-being, the significance of good nutrition cannot be overstated. It serves as the foundation upon which our bodies build strength, immunity, and overall vitality. This extensive article delves into the multifaceted benefits of good nutrition, outlines how it can profoundly impact our health, and provides examples of foods that epitomize healthy eating. Utilizing insights from nutritional science, we aim to elucidate how dietary choices can influence our physical and mental health, underscoring the importance of informed food selections in our daily lives. Understanding Good Nutrition Good nutrition involves the intake of a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats,…