• What Foods Canadians Crave the Most and Why

    This past summer, Dr. Ali Ghahary shared an article on how to crush food cravings. Cravings can happen for a number of reasons. They can be hormonal (such as if a woman is pregnant or during her menstrual cycle), emotional (also known as “stress eating” or “emotional eating”), and can also be caused by a lack of water (such as dehydration), or due to nutritional deficiencies (which includes a lack of macro and micronutrients.) Healthy eating is something that Dr. Ghahary strongly promotes and encourages everyone to do – because the healthier you eat, the better you will feel. You’ll also improve your overall quality of life. In order to…

  • Common Bladder Problems

    Bladder health might not be something you think about very frequently, but with November being recognized as Bladder Health Month it’s an important time to remind individuals of some of the common bladder conditions that can occur, as well as what you can do to prevent them and find relief if you do happen to be suffering from any bladder-related conditions. Two of the most common conditions of the bladder that people can experience include urinary incontinence and overactive bladder (also often referred to as OAB.) According to the Canadian Incontinence Foundation, as many as 10% (approximately 3.5 million) of the population suffers from some form of urinary incontinence. While…

  • Pancreatic Cancer Awareness

    November marks Pancreatic Cancer Awareness Month, while November 15th is World Pancreatic Cancer Day – initiatives that were designed to raise awareness surrounding pancreatic cancer; a condition that affects as many as 5,000 Canadians each year and over 330,000 people on a global scale. Because it is one of the toughest cancers to fight, organizations like Pancreatic Cancer Canada and Pancreatic Cancer Action are dedicated to saving lives and attacking this deadly illness through not just awareness, but also with research, community support, advocacy – and, perhaps most importantly, early detection. So, what is the pancreas, exactly? It’s a six-inch-long, pear-shaped glandular organ that is located in the upper abdomen…

  • How Colder Weather Can Affect the Body

    With fall and winter also come cooler temperatures and cloudy, dreary weather – which can sometimes do a number on the health. Below is a look at how the change in seasons and weather can impact the body and what health risks you need to watch out for, as well as what you can do to prevent those risks and help your body better adjust. One of the most common complaints that physicians hear from patients is that their bones and joints tend to ache when the weather has changed or is about to change, which might mean that this isn’t an old wives’ tale after all. This is particularly…

  • Finding Relief from Dry Eyes

    If it constantly feels like something is in your eye, or if your eyes sting or burn, are red, sensitive to light, feel tired, or if you have blurred vision, then you may suffer from a condition known as dry eye. This is a common condition that can an affect just one or both eyes, and occurs when your tears (a mixture of water, fatty oils and mucus) are unable to provide your eyes with adequate lubrication. There are many reasons why someone may have dry eyes. Some individuals simply don’t produce enough tears or have an imbalance in the makeup of their tears, while it can also be caused…

  • Diet and Nutrition for Diabetics

    Eating healthy, nutritious foods is something Dr. Ghahary urges all of his patients to do as it’s one of the most important things you can do for your overall wellbeing. It’s all the more crucial if you happen to be diabetic, as the foods that you eat can play a significant role in your blood glucose levels. Even if you’re not diabetic it can still benefit you to follow a diabetes diet, as a diabetic diet is focused on low calorie and nutrient-rich foods, with key elements being fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Individuals who are at an increased risk of diabetes can get a head start and potentially reduce…

  • What to Expect During Pregnancy

    Finding out you’re pregnant can be an exhilarating time. However, it’s not at all uncommon for first-time mothers-to-be to also experience overwhelming feelings of fear, uncertainty, as well as anxiousness and nervousness. Whether it’s from at-home kit or done through a urinalysis administered by your family doctor’s office or OBGYN, your pregnancy test came back positive. The question is, what happens next? In this article, Dr. Ghahary shares a list of common questions and answers on what to expect during pregnancy, including how you’ll feel in each trimester up until it’s time to give birth. First, it’s important to let the news sink in as much as possible. Allow yourself…

  • Halloween Candy and Your Health

    If you’re wondering what the healthiest Halloween candy is, the answer is, essentially, none. While October 31st may be a time for “tricks”, it’s the treats like chocolate and other sugar-filled products that Dr. Ali Ghahary says people should be concerned about. While it’s technically okay to have the odd candy here and there, they aren’t things that we should let our children indulge in too much of, and the same even goes for adults. Candy can not only have a negative impact on our oral health, increasing the risk of things like cavities, but it can also wreck just as much havoc on one’s physical health, leading to weight…

  • Regular Eye Exams Crucial for Visual Health

    Your vision is one of the most important aspects of your health. Unfortunately, not everyone takes care of their eyes like they should. The best way to make sure your eyes are healthy is by seeing your optometrist for regular examinations. However, the frequency in which you should have your eyes examined depends on age. Per the Canadian Association of Optometrists, infants and toddlers should have their first eye exam between 6 and 9 months; while children between the ages of 2 and 5 should undergo at least one eye exam, while children and teenagers aged 6 to 19 should have their eyes examined every year. By the age of…

  • What Makes Eggs Healthy?

    If you’re looking to make a quick, easy and healthy breakfast, eggs are all of the above. Not to mention cost-effective if you’re not wanting to spend too much money on meals, and they can be easily incorporated into other foods such as baked goods and breakfast omelettes. They can also be made in a variety of ways: Hard boiled or soft boiled, scrambled, sunny side up, over easy. It’s all about personal preference. Eggs are considered one of the healthiest foods due to their high nutritional value. They contain Vitamin A, Vitamin B12 (cobalamin), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), as well as selenium. Vitamin A helps promote…