• How to Stay Safe as Our Province Reopens

    While COVID-19 should still be considered a risk in all of our communities, many provinces in Canada, including right here in British Columbia, have slowly begun their restart plans. While each phase of the restart plans will vary from province to province, British Columbia is currently in phase 2 which consists of the following: • Restoration of health services including the re-scheduling of previously cancelled elective surgeries; in addition to the restoration of other medical-related services such as dentistry, physiotherapy, registered massage therapy, chiropractors, physical therapy, and speech therapy. • Retail sector. • Personal service establishments such as hair salons and barbers. • In-person counselling. • Restaurants, cafes and pubs.…

  • Testing for COVID-19

    When COVID-19 was first on our radar, only those who had become severely ill or individuals who were close contacts of those already diagnosed with the virus (such as family members or healthcare workers) were being tested for it – and while protocols for testing for the virus vary from province to province, state to state, and country to country, health officials right here in British Columbia are now recommending that anyone who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (such as a high fever and/or a dry cough), in addition to those experiencing even the mildest flu or cold-like symptoms (such as a sore throat, runny nose, muscle aches and fatigue),…

  • How to Differentiate Between COVID-19 and Allergies

    Spring is here and so is allergy season, but with COVID-19 also in full effect (and despite the decreased number of cases being reported in our province), this somewhat complicates things even further as many of the symptoms that are commonly associated with this deadly virus can also overlap with symptoms related to seasonal allergies, making it that much more difficult for people to differentiate between the two and leads them to wonder if they should be at all concerned about their health. There are several key ways to differentiate between symptoms of COVID-19 and allergies. For example, fever and chills are two of the most commonly reported symptoms of…

  • COVID-19: Where Does British Columbia Go from Here?

    If the numbers are any indicator (and judging by the new models that were recently released by the Ministry of Health this week), then all are pointing toward British Columbia continuing to flatten the COVID-19 curve, which is great news. As our Provincial Health Officer, Dr. Bonnie Henry, stated in a recent briefing, our province is at “the end of the beginning of this pandemic.” That being said, this in no way, shape or form means that we can go back to how we were in December or January, before certain measures went into place (such as physical distancing and decreasing the number of people allowed to congregate in groups.)…

  • Communicable Diseases

    A communicable disease is one that is spread from person to person through a few different ways. For example, depending on the type of illness it is, you can develop a communicable disease by breathing in a virus that is airborne, coming into contact with blood and/or bodily fluids from an already infected individual, or even being bitten by an insect. Understanding and reporting cases of communicable diseases is important, especially when it comes to the prevention, control and treatment of them. One example of a communicable disease is COVID-19. Similar to that of a common cold, COVID-19 can develop as a result of breathing in droplets as a result…

  • How to Talk to Kids About COVID-19

    Kids are very intuitive and observant – sometimes even more-so than adults. In fact, when something is wrong, they may even be the first ones to notice and point it out – and while many children do adapt well to change, there are others who may not – particularly when changes are as drastic and sudden as what we’ve seen occurring as a result of COVID-19. For example, a close relative may become ill with the virus (such as a parent or grandparent), they can no longer attend school, and can’t spend time with friends. Naturally, these types of changes and the uncertainty that comes along with them would cause…

  • Support for Canadians During COVID-19

    As a result of the continuing COVID-19 pandemic, we as Canadians are going through unprecedented times, which can be challenging and even downright scary. Among some of the most common fears that Canadians have at this time is how they are going to survive financially. While some Canadians are able to work remotely, others unfortunately do not have that luxury, and many have even faced job loss as a direct result of COVID-19. Fortunately, the Canadian government has stepped in to help those who may be struggling during this difficult time – both emotionally and financially. Below is a list of what’s being made available to Canadians country-wide, as well…

  • Hand Hygiene and COVID-19

    Practicing good hygiene – specifically hand washing with warm water and soap – is known to be one of the best preventative measures against COVID-19, and it’s something you should do frequently, because aside from COVID-19, regular hand washing can also help remove other parasites such as influenza as well as metapneumovirus – a type of respiratory infection that can lead to pneumonia. When looked at under a microscope, coronaviruses appear to be covered with point-like spires. Right below that surface is the outer layer of the virus made up of lipids – otherwise known as fat. Think of it as a layer of grease on your hands. For example,…

  • How to Ease Anxiety During a Crisis

    Anxiety is one of the most common mental health concerns for both adults and children. For some, anxiety can be temporary experience that is based on different factors like relationship struggles (including family), or stress at work and/or school. For others, the anxiety they face can often be a chronic, recurring issue that causes a disruption in someone’s ability to carry out their daily living and may have a much harder time coping with what is often described as an overwhelming sense of dread or loss of control. As we are now seeing a steady and significant rise in the number of COVID-19 cases being diagnosed not just within Canada,…

  • Keeping Yourself (and Home) Healthy Amidst Coronavirus Pandemic

    There has been a lot mentioned about the important and necessary precautions that we should all be taking to prevent the spread of COVID-19. These precautions have been mostly centered around hygiene, including washing your hands with soap and water (or using hand sanitizer when you don’t happen to have soap and water readily available), and to also ensure you avoid touching your face – but what you might not be aware of are the specifics that surround these measures, which is why it’s important to remind people of them. Hand Washing Washing our hands regularly is something that we should do every day, not just something we do in…