Preventing Nausea

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Preventing Nausea | Dr. Ali GhaharyNausea can be a symptom that is associated with many different illnesses. Atop the list of most common include things like influenza (flu), food poisoning, headaches and migraines, as well as taking certain medications, cancer treatment (i.e., chemotherapy), drinking alcohol, overeating, and pregnancy. While nausea typically isn’t considered life threatening without other warning signs (i.e., chest pain – which you should call 911), it can cause unease and be quite debilitating. There are certain conditions where nausea may also co-occur with vomiting, such as concussions, meningitis, encephalitis, appendicitis, intestinal blockages, as well as brain tumours. If you suspect that your nausea/vomiting may be attributed to any of these things, then you should seek medical attention right away.

It’s also important to be aware that if you’re also vomiting, this can lead to dehydration. When it comes to dehydration, the signs in children and adults slightly differ. Children may develop dry lips, a dry mouth, sunken eyes, or have a rapid pulse and/or rapid breathing; while adults may feel fatigued, confused, or dizzy, as well as have dark-coloured urine or infrequent urination. To prevent dehydration, it’s important to increase your intake of fluid – especially water. In cases where dehydration is severe, you may require hospitalization for a fluid intravenous drip.

For cases where nausea and/or vomiting is mild, the good news is that there are some simple at-home and over-the-counter treatment methods that you can try to help make it subside.

Over the course of many decades, scientists have discovered that ginger stabilizes your digestive function as well as keeps your blood pressure at healthy, consistent levels which can ultimately help reduce that uneasy feeling. Because of this, ginger has become one of the most common and long-used – as well as safest – natural treatment methods for relieving nausea. Another food product that can help quell a queasy stomach are saltine crackers. Saltine crackers are high in starch, which can help absorb the stomach’s gastric acid. People also find them easy to digest when they feel sick as they’re void of strong smells or tastes that might otherwise cause one to feel increasingly nauseous. That being said, food of any kind may not be appetizing when you’re dealing with nausea. If that’s the case, you should keep yourself hydrated with clear liquids – either by drinking water or chewing on ice chips.

If trying some of the remedies mentioned above does not help ease your nausea, there are also certain medications that can help. Bismuth subsalicylate, which can be bought over the counter, is most commonly taken in liquid form and helps protect the lining of your stomach; while anti-medications like Dramamine and Ondansetron, available by prescription, can also both help to prevent nausea and reduce vomiting.