Slower Eating Habits May Help You Lose Weight
Losing weight can be challenging for almost anyone, even more so if you aren’t equipped with the right knowledge when it comes to how your weight can impact your health. This is why, as a family physician, Dr. Ali Ghahary urges all of his patients – even those who are the healthiest – to incorporate healthy eating and regular physical activity into their everyday routines.
How is Weight Loss Characterized?
When it comes to weight loss, we generally think of these three things: Eat well, get exercise, and drink plenty of water. While eating healthy and exercising regularly (and adequately) are two of the utmost important factors for weight loss, a new study done by health researchers which tracked as many as 60,000 individuals with Type II diabetes suggests that patients may also want to adopt some additional habits to help them lose weight.
Study Findings
The study, which was published in BMJ Open, examined the data of individuals between the years 2008 and 2013, and analyzed the effects of changes in lifestyle habits with changes in obesity. Those involved in the study reported not only their eating habits, but also the speed at which they ate – for example, normal, fast or slow – and also reported any alcohol and/or tobacco use along with their sleeping patterns. At the initial start of the study, approximately 22,000 individuals stated that they would eat food “fast”, an estimated 33,000 stated that they were “normal” eaters, while just over 4,000 said they ate “slow.” Upon completing the study, those who said they ate food at normal speeds were 29% less likely to be (or become) obese in comparison to those who stated that they were fast eaters. In addition, slow eaters were also 42% less likely to be or become obese.
What Does this All Mean?
According to this latest study, it means that if you eat food more slowly, if you avoid snacking after dinner, and if you don’t eat at least 2 hours prior, you are more likely to lose weight and be successful in keeping excess weight off.
Is What I’m Eating Healthy Enough?
As mentioned, one of the biggest challenges when it comes to losing weight is often knowing what to eat and making the mistake of eating the wrong things. You could follow this study’s recommendations to a T, but without eating the right foods weight loss will be much more difficult to accomplish. As a result, Dr. Ali Ghahary has published a wide ranch of articles on diet, including but not limited to articles on why healthy eating is so important, low-carb diet information, why sugar should be avoided, meal planning tips, and even information on healthy eating for diabetics.
If you’re wanting to make some healthy lifestyle habits which includes healthy eating and weight loss, Dr. Ali Ghahary is always more than happy to help you come up with a plan, and is available to consult with patients on a walk-in basis. You can find Dr. Ali Ghahary’s clinic hours by visiting Brentwood Medical Clinic’s website at