• Common Causes of Fatigue

    Close to 4 million Canadians suffer from insomnia – a common type of sleep disorder that can make it difficult for one to fall (or stay) asleep at night, in addition to contributing to other symptoms including difficulty focusing, agitation, and daytime fatigue. The good news is, when it is identified, insomnia is something that can usually be easily treated – and sometimes all it takes is making a few small changes to your sleep hygiene habits, such as: • Sticking to a regular sleep schedule each day • Establishing a relaxing routine (reading a book, taking a warm shower/bath) • Going to bed when you feel tired, not forcing…

  • The Science-Backed Benefits of Protein

    Protein is considered one of the most important food elements (also known as a macronutrient) for the normal, healthy growth of the human body, and there are many science-backed reasons as to why you should eat more of it. Your hair and your nails, for example, are made up of mostly protein. Your body also needs protein to create hormones, enzymes and other types of chemicals, and is essential in the building of our muscles, bones, cartilage, blood and skin. While most people consume enough protein to avoid becoming deficient in it, it’s never a bad idea to increase your protein intake – as whether you’re wanting to lose weight…

  • Eye Exams Key to Early Cataract Detection

    Cataracts, a condition characterized by the clouding of the lens in the eye, affects more than 2.5 million Canadians. This number is projected to rise to an estimated 5 million by the year 2031. Cataracts are currently the second leading cause of blindness in Canada, surpassed only by age-related macular degeneration. Cataract development is generally a slow and progressive process, often leading to a gradual and painless decrease in vision. This slow progression can make it difficult for individuals to notice changes in their vision immediately, which underscores the necessity of regular eye check-ups to detect and treat cataracts at an early stage. One of the most common initial symptoms…

  • Why Sleep is Essential for Optimal Health

    Sleep is an essential component of human health, deeply intertwined with nearly every aspect of physical and mental well-being. While the importance of sleep is often underestimated in our fast-paced, modern society, scientific evidence consistently underscores its vital role in maintaining optimal health. Whether recovering from a mild cold or flu, preparing for and recovering from surgical procedures, or simply maintaining overall well-being, sleep is a cornerstone of good health. This article explores the multifaceted relationship between sleep and health, highlighting its importance across various medical contexts and elucidating why prioritizing sleep is crucial for achieving the best possible health outcomes. Sleep and Immune Function One of the most fundamental…

  • Fast Food: Harmful Effects, Healthy Alternatives

    Fast food may be popular in today’s busy world because of its convenience, affordability, and speed, but it comes with several drawbacks. The adverse effects of regular fast food consumption can have long-lasting and serious implications for one’s health. In this article, we will discuss why it is crucial to say “no” to fast food and explore healthier alternatives. Harmful Effects of Fast Food 1. Nutritional Deficiency: One of the major issues with fast food is the lack of essential nutrients. Fast food meals are often high in calories but low in vital nutrients like vitamins, minerals, and fibre. This can lead to nutritional deficiencies, which can cause health problems…

  • Fighting Unhealthy Food Cravings

    Fact: When we feel hungry, we eat. Also fact: We eat when we aren’t necessarily hungry but have certain cravings for foods, like salty potato chips or sugary sweets such as chocolate, cakes, and candy; and sometimes these temptations can be hard to resist. However, these food cravings are often an indicator that our bodies are missing something. Below are some of the most common reasons as to why we might experience food cravings, and what you can do to crush them and ultimately replace certain unhealthy foods with ones that are better for you. LACK OF WATER: Also known as dehydration, this can often manifest itself as hunger. Common reasons…

  • Hidden Dangers of Unhealthy Carbohydrates

    Carbohydrates, often referred to as “carbs,” are a macronutrient found in various foods and beverages. They are a primary source of energy for the body, essential for fuelling our daily activities and bodily functions. However, not all carbohydrates are created equal. While some carbs are beneficial and necessary for optimal health, others can be detrimental, contributing to a range of health issues, from obesity to diabetes and cardiovascular disease. This article delves into the world of unhealthy carbohydrates, exploring why they are harmful and identifying the specific types of carbs you should avoid to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Understanding Carbohydrates Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients, alongside proteins and…

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Canada

    Canada has one of the highest case rates of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) in the world. A staggering 1 in 140 Canadians are living with some form of IBD, whether it be Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis. This translates to approximately 300,000 Canadians currently managing the daily challenges posed by these chronic conditions. Alarmingly, the number of Canadians with IBD is expected to rise to 400,000, roughly 1% of the population, by 2030. Understanding Inflammatory Bowel Disease Inflammatory bowel disease is an umbrella term used to describe disorders that involve chronic inflammation of the digestive tract. The two main types of IBD are Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. While both…

  • Hypertension and its Impact on Health

    Today, May 17th, is World Hypertension Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness about hypertension and its impact on health. Hypertension, often referred to as high blood pressure, affects as many as 6 million Canadian adults, representing 19% of the adult population. Alarmingly, of those 19%, approximately 17% are unaware of their condition, which underscores the importance of recognizing and managing this health issue. Hypertension is frequently dubbed the “silent killer” because it often presents no symptoms until significant damage has occurred, making it crucial to stay vigilant and informed about this condition. So what is hypertension, exactly? Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood pumped from the heart…

  • Navigating Complex Health Conditions

    While most individuals typically see their family physician once a year for their annual check-up, there are also a large number of Canadians that will need to make recurring visits to their doctor’s office as a result of having complex and multifactorial health conditions. While many health conditions, such as the common cold or flu are easily treatable, there are others that don’t have a single genetic cause, therefore oftentimes making them difficult to diagnose and treat, leaving the patient feeling vulnerable and frustrated – and, as a result, the patient can sometimes develop mood and mental health related changes, and even social isolation – something that hasn’t been uncommon…